Friday, August 16, 2013

Configure NTP clients under AIX and RHEL to syncronize with NTP server

This tutorial explains how to configure NTP on client with a NTP server. In all below examples we have two NTP servers ntp01 and ntp02. Here one as a primary and other one is secondary if primary fails secondary will take it up.
Step 1 : Verify that you have a server suitable for synchronization by using below command
# ntpdate -d ip.address.of.server ( Both for AIX and Linux )
[root@webmanual01 ~]# ntpdate -d
17 Jan 06:44:16 ntpdate[31056]: ntpdate 4.2.2p1@1.1570-o Wed Sep 3 14:28:30 UTC 2008 (1)
Looking for host and service ntp
host found
server, port 123
stratum 3, precision -17, leap 00, trust 000
refid [], delay 0.02718, dispersion 0.00005
transmitted 4, in filter 4
reference time: d2bfeb7d.3713f077 Tue, Jan 17 2012 6:43:41.215
originate timestamp: d2bfeba1.0dc1b541 Tue, Jan 17 2012 6:44:17.053
transmit timestamp: d2bfeba1.055a2941 Tue, Jan 17 2012 6:44:17.020
filter delay: 0.02785 0.02718 0.02722 0.02733
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
filter offset: 0.032242 0.031947 0.031990 0.031962
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
delay 0.02718, dispersion 0.00005
offset 0.031947 17 Jan 06:44:17 ntpdate[31056]: adjust time server offset 0.031947 sec
The offset must be less than 1000 seconds for xntpd to synch. If the offset is greater than 1000 seconds, change the time manually on the client and run the ntpdate -d again.
Step 2: Specify your xntp servers in /etc/ntp.conf . Comment out the “broadcastclient” line (if applicable )and add server ip.address/name of NTP server
# vi /etc/ntp.conf
Example for Linux
[root@web-manual01 ~]# cat /etc/ntp.conf
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
authenticate yes
Example for AIX
driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
tracefile /etc/ntp.trace
Leave the driftfile and tracefile at their defaults.
Step 3 : Start the xntpd/nfsd daemon:
# startsrc -s xntpd (AIX )
# service ntpd start (Linux)
Step 4: Making ntpd to start on reboot
AIX : Uncomment xntpd from /etc/rc.tcpip so it will start on a reboot.
# vi /etc/rc.tcpip
Uncomment the following line
start /usr/sbin/xntpd “$src_running”
Linux : Run the command ” chkconfig ntpd on” so it will start on a reboot.
Step 5 :Verify that the client is synched.
AIX Steps:
# lssrc -ls xntpd
lssrc -ls xntpd
Program name: /usr/sbin/xntpd
Version: 3
Leap indicator: 00 (No leap second today.)
Sys peer:
Sys stratum: 5
Sys precision: -17
Debug/Tracing: DISABLED
Root distance: 0.029816
Root dispersion: 0.043655
Reference ID:
Reference time: d2bff453.c0f33000 Tue, Jan 17 2012 7:21:23.753
Broadcast delay: 0.003906 (sec)
Auth delay: 0.000122 (sec)
System flags: pll monitor filegen
System uptime: 707799 (sec)
Clock stability: 0.000107 (sec)
Clock frequency: 0.000000 (sec)
flags: (configured)(sys peer)
stratum: 4, version: 3
our mode: client, his mode: server
flags: (configured)(sys peer)
stratum: 4, version: 3
our mode: client, his mode: server
Subsystem Group PID Status
xntpd tcpip 13162 active
NOTE: Sys peer should display the IP address or name of your xntp server. This process may take up to 15 minutes.
Linux Steps
The ntpq utility program (both for Linux and AIX )is used to monitor NTP daemon ntpd operations and determine performance and -p Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of their state
ntpq -p
Example (Linux)
[root@webmanual01 sysconfig]# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 3 u 70 128 377 2.043 -0.053 1.619 3 u 52 128 377 1.934 -0.294 1.908

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Downlod : Komik Deni Manusia Ikan

Deni Manusia Ikan (judul asli: Fishboy: Denizen of the Deep) adalah komik hitam putih yang diterbitkan pertama kali di buku Buster antara 1968 dan 1975, ditulis oleh Scott Goodall dan digambar oleh John Stokes dan lain-lain. Tokoh utamanya adalah seorang anak laki-laki yang terdampar di sebuah pulau dan belajar untuk bernapas di bawah air dan berbicara dengan makhluk-makhluk air. Ia juga memiliki insang dan tangan kaki berselaput sehingga dapat berenang dengan cepat. Tujuan hidupnya adalah mencari orangtuanya dan membantu orang yang kesusahan.

Link download

vol 1
vol 2
vol 3
vol 4
vol 5
vol 6
vol 7
vol 8
vol 9
vol 10
vol 11
vol 12
vol 13
vol 14
vol 15
vol 16

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Komik Shoot Hot Challenge Part 2)

Sesuai permintaan, lanjutan dari Komik Shoot yang pertama (33 bagian), yaitu Shoot Hot Challenge (mulai no 7 - 12).

Link download :

No 7
No 8
No 9
No 10
No 11
No 12

Friday, March 15, 2013

Download : Driver Pack Solution 13 R314 Final

Assalamualaikum wr.wb,
Kali ini berbagi link download Driver Pack Solution 13 R314. Versi R314 sendiri merupakan versi penyempurnaan dari versi sebelumnya.yaitu R306. Driver Pack solution adalah software untuk men-scan dan menginstal driver yang belum terinstal secara otomatis tanpa harus repot-repot cari driver jika di website resmi laptop belum menyediakan Driver khususnya bagi OS terbaru Windows 8. Driver Pack Solution dapat digunakan dengan mudah tanpa harus instal karena bersifat portable dan bisa dijalankan dari removable disk (flash disk, micro SD, dll). 

Khususnya bagi anda yang PC Notebook atau Netbook nya belum support driver Windows 8, software ini merupakan alternatif paling mudah dan efektif karena secara otomatis akan mendeteksi driver yang harus dipasang atau diinstal pada PC anda setelah menginstal Windows 8 baik Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Enterprise, maupun Windows 8 RTM. Tapi bukan berarti Driverpack Solution 13 R314 ini tidak bisa digunakan untuk menginstal di OS Windows 7. Sangat mungkin menginstal Driver Laptop untuk Windows 7 meskipun biasanya tidak digunakan karena di website resmi pasti sudah menyediakan driver untuk Windows 7 sendiri. 
Seperti yang sudah diulas di atas, Driverpack Solution 13 R314 sangat mudah digunakan dan tidak memerlukan keahlian khusus dalam menjalankannya, sehingga bagi anda yang pemula dalam hal instal driver dapat menjalankannya, inshallah, dengan sempurna. Itu semua karena hal yang perlu anda lakukan adalah menjalankan DriverPackSolution.exe kemudiakan akan diarahkan untuk men-scan driver dan dilanjutkan instalasi. 
Berikut deskripsi mengenai Driver Pack Solution 13 R314
DriverPack Solution v 13.0.314 Final (ML)
Fully updated shell DRP 12.12 automatically select and install the correct driver for your computer. This version has many new features and optimized for the new operating system Windows 8. Compared with the previous version of the DRP 12.3 in this version has corrected the shell and completely new driver packs. Installing the drivers is in the envelope just a few clicks and the process can be fully automated. Thanks freshest driver-pakam, the program installs the drivers on virtually any computer of any age. Install and update the drivers of this program is not connected to the Internet directly from the HDD / flash / DVD
Included in the collection of driver packs:
• DP_Biometric_13023.7z
• DP_Bluetooth_13024.7z
• DP_CardReader_13025.7z
• DP_Chipset_13025.7z
• DP_LAN_13023.7z
• DP_MassStorage_13024.7z
• DP_Misc_13024.7z
• DP_Modem_13023.7z
• DP_Monitor_13024.7z
• DP_Notebook_13024.7z
• DP_Printer_13003.7z
• DP_Sound_ADI_13023.7z
• DP_Sound_CMedia_13024.7z
• DP_Sound_Conexant_13023.7z
• DP_Sound_Creative_13024.7z
• DP_Sound_IDT_13023.7z
• DP_Sound_Others_13023.7z
• DP_Sound_VIA_13014.7z
• DP_Sounds_HDMI_13024.7z
• DP_Sounds_Realtek_13022.7z
• DP_Telephone_13025.7z
• DP_TV_Aver_13024.7z
• DP_TV_Beholder_13014.7z
• DP_TV_DVB_13021.7z
• DP_TV_Others_13012.7z
• DP_Video_AMD_Desktop_13024.7z
• DP_Video_AMD_Notebook_13023.7z
• DP_Video_AMD_Server_13014.7z
• DP_Video_Hybrid_13012.7z
• DP_Video_Intel_13024.7z
• DP_Video_MacBook_13015.7z
• DP_Video_nVIDIA_Desktop_13025.7z
• DP_Video_nVIDIA_Notebook_13024.7z
• DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server_13023.7z
• DP_Video_Others_13022.7z
• DP_WebCam_13025.7z
• DP_WLAN_13025.7z
• DP_xUSB_13025.7z
Additional Information:  
• Under the DVD size of 38 driver packs in this assembly were only 35 (not included in the video drivers for the servers and MacBook - if you choose to continue downloading and add themselves to the assembly)  
• Kit is distributed in the form of ISO-image - it can be burned to DVD or unzip archiver or Total Commander as a normal file and run it from your hard drive or flash driveImage Checksum:  
• MD5: 22c4a6494f798f0bcf77b81b7cc4b284  
• Image Size: 4480mb (disk capacity 4483mb DVD + R / DVD-R 4489mb)System requirements:  
• For all versions of Windows from XP to 8Platform / OS: Windows ® 2000 | XP | Vista | 7 & 8 (x32 | x64)
Developer: DriverPack Solution
Release released: 2013
Activation: not required
Language: ML
File Format: iso
File Size: 4.37 GB
Secara ringkas dapat disimpulkan bahwa DriverPack Solution 13 R314:
1. Koleksi driver yang lengkap
2. Support OS windows xp/vista/7/8
3. Support sistem 32 bit dan 64 bit
4. Tidak perlu diinstal cukup dijalankan saja

Bagi yang berkenan untuk mendapatkan DriverPack Solution 13 R314 ini silakan download di link di bawah.
Selamat mendownload

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Download Kitab Suci Holy Quran 8.0

Holy Quran 8.0 adalah program kitab suci Al Qur’an dalam berbagai fitur yang sangat berguna untuk berinteraksi dan mengkaji isi kitab suci Al Qur’an.

Sekilas tentang Holy Quran 8.0

  • Program berisi penayangan seluruh naskah Alquran dengan sistim penulisan Usmani sesuai dengan Mushaf terbitan Madinah dan Mushaf yang biasa beredar di Indonesia, lengkap dengan tanda baca dan indeks menurut surah dan juz.

  • Program menyediakan fasilitas bacaan murattal oleh Syekh Huzaifi dan Syekh Muhammad Ayyub dengan fasilitas penggantian suara.

  • Program menyediakan fasilitas pencarian canggih dalam naskah Alquran dengan mengunakan teknik urai bahasa terhadap kata atau kalimat dengan beberapa kategori, sehingga memberikan kemampuan pencarian yang tinggi kepada pengguna biasa maupun ahli. Di samping itu, juga menyediakan fasilitas pencarian tematis, di mana Program telah menyediakan 14 tema pokok yang terbagi menjadi sub tema, kemudian sub sub tema melalui 6 tingkatan, hingga jumlah semua tema carian menjadi lebih dari 2000 tema. Semua jenis carian itu dapat dilakukan oleh pengguna dalam seluruh naskah Alquran atau dalam skop yang telah dia tentukan. Pencarian juga dapat dilakukan dalam tafsir dan terjemah.

  • Program menyediakan penayangan gambar dan suara terhadap makhraj huruf dan sifat-sifatnya serta cara pengucapannya yang benar untuk membantu pengguna dalam belajar membaca Alquran.

  • Program menerangkan hukum tajwid secara praktis, seperti; tingkatan qalqalah, jenis-jenis mad… dan seterusnya, serta dilengkapi dengan macam-macam contoh dari naskah Alquran dan suara pengucapan yang betul bagi setiap hukum.

  • Terakhir, Program memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih salah satu bahasa pengantar dari bahasa-bahasa berikut: Arab , Indonesia , Malaysia, Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, Turki, Urdu, Spanyol
CD 1
CD 2

Selamat download !!

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Download : Another SAP e-books

Here are another SAP ebooks worthed to download and must have. Title "Implementing SAP ERP Sales and Distribution" from McGraw-Hill.

Happy downloading guys

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Implementing Row Compression in EDW on DB2 9.5

After upgrading the EDW to DB2 9.5 on LUW, Row Compression was the first feature we wanted to implement amongst other features as it clearly gave the biggest bang for the buck.


As Row Compression reduces average record length and stores more number of rows per page, it directly reduces storage space needs. This also benefits in reduced I/O and increases throughput. Backup and Recovery can also be faster due to reduced database size. Only downside however is the increased CPU utilization (roughly 10%) needed to carry out compression and de-compression.

Selecting Candidate Tables:-

Largest tables are always the best candidates for compression. Each of the 15 tables we picked up ranged between 300 GB to 1.1 TB in size and between 2 billion to 5 billion in number of rows. We did not anticipate as much higher compression ratio on these tables as theoretically possible, because most of the columns in these tables were integers and dates. Though, the compression estimates carried out did match closely to what we finally achieved.

Pre-Compression Considerations:-

Converting the tablespace to LARGE, particularly for tables with smaller average record length, is very important before proceeding to compress. LARGE tablespaces enables storage of more that 254 rows per page which is a limitation on REGULAR tablespace. As compression reduces the record length, there is a greater need to be able to store more rows per page.

Compression ratio, dictionary size, and space savings can be estimating in advance using INSPECT command along with db2inspf format utility. Knowing space saving estimates also helps in selecting right candidates for compression. Steps to derive estimates can be illustrated by below example. Note however that in a multi-partitioned environment separate output is produced for each logical partition.

inspect rowcompestimate table name $table schema $schema results keep $file;
db2inspf $file $file.txt

Two Approaches on Compressing Existing Tables:-

Option# 1: Offline Reorg
In this approach, existing tablespace is firstly converted to LARGE, and then tables are enabled for compression using ALTER TABLE…COMPRESS YES clause followed by an offline REORG to build a compression dictionary. If there are multiple tables in the tablespace, we start with the smallest tables so that any unused extents hiding below HWM are freed and can be used for Reorg of larger tables.

Pros: - REORG scans all rows and builds the most optimal compression dictionary
- System temporary tablespace can be used for shadow copy (space equivalent to that of compressed table) to offload data during REORG.
- Partitions (or Ranges) in a Partitioned Tables are Reorg-ed sequentially, needing shadow copy space only equivalent to largest of the partitions.
- Suitable for small DMS tablespaces having one or more tables

Cons:- Table needs to be offline for the duration of REORG.

alter tablespace $tbspace convert to LARGE;
alter table $schema.$table compress yes;

reorg table $schema.$table use $systempspace resetdictionary;

-- Alternative Approach:
-- inspect rowcompestimate table $table schema $schema;
-- reorg table $schema.$table use $systempspace keepdictionary;

runstats on table $schema.$table with distribution and indexes all;

list tablespaces show detail;

alter tablespace $tbspace reduce (all n K);

Option# 2: Copy and Rename
This approach, suitable for large tablespaces, consists of copying existing tables to a new tablespace, compressing the new table and swapping names of new and existing tables. An offline REORG is performed on new table using sampled data from existing table to build compression dictionary.

Pros:- Table can be online except for the momentary switch to rename it.
- No shadow copy space needed
- 10% sampling is good enough for most of the large tables.
- Load From Cursor with Replace can be used to load entire data from base table to backup table.

- Extra space is needed to create the backup table.
- Compression rate may not be as good as that from Offline Reorg method.

create LARGE tablespace $tbspace_NEW … autoresize yes;
-- Allocate only about 60% of used space of $tbspace as total space to $tbspace_NEW

create table $schema.$table_NEW (…) in $tbspace_NEW;
-- Copy indexes, constraints, and grants from $schema.$table

alter table $schema.$table_NEW compress yes;

declare c1 cursor for select * from $schema.$table tablesample bernoulli(10) with ur;
load from c1 of cursor replace into $schema.$table_NEW NONRECOVERABLE;

reorg table $schema.$table_NEW resetdictionary;

declare c2 cursor for select * from $schema.$table with ur;
load from c2 of cursor replace into $schema.$table_NEW NONRECOVERABLE;

runstats on table $schema.$table_NEW with distriburion and indexes all;

rename table $schema.$table to $table_OLD;
rename table $schema.$table_NEW to $table;

Compressing Large EDW tables:-
Considering the large size of EDW tables and need to minimize planned outage, the Copy and Rename approach described above was found to be most suitable. It allowed us to compress the tables during daytime with minimal direct impact on the workload. While the procedure used to compress tables was conceptually similar to that described earlier under Copy and Rename approach, following exceptions had to be made to increase efficiency of the operations:

1. We preferred NOT LOGGING the copy transactions to reduce elapsed time.
2. INSERT… FROM SELECT method preceded by ALTER TABLE … ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY was found to be faster than LOAD … FROM CURSOR with NONRECOVERABLE clause in our DPF environment with 70 logical DATA nodes spread across 9 p4 servers and 2 p6 servers. So, the INSERT…FROM SELECT method was used to copy the existing tables.
3. Creation of Indexes, including primary key indexes, was deferred until after the new table was loaded.

Thus the procedure followed to compress these 15 largest tables can be illustrated by below example:

create LARGE tablespace $tbspace_NEW … autoresize yes increasesize 10 percent;
-- Allocated 60% of used space of $tbspace as total space to $tbspace_NEW

create table $schema.$table_NEW like $schema.$table not logged initially in $tbspace_NEW;
-- No indexes, or PK created at this time

alter table $schema.$table_NEW compress yes;

update command options using c off;

alter table $schema.$table_NEW activate not logged initially with empty table;
insert into $schema.$table_NEW
select * from $schema.$table tablesample bernoulli (10) with ur;

update command options using c on;

reorg table $schema.$table_NEW resetdictionary;

update command options using c off;

alter table $schema.$table_NEW activate not logged initially with empty table;
insert into $schema.$table_NEW select * from $schema.$table with ur;

update command options using c on;

create index … on $schema.$table_NEW (…);

alter table $schema.$table_NEW add primary key (…);

runstats on table $schema.$table_NEW with distriburion and indexes all;

grants … on table $schema.$table_NEW to …;

rename table $schema.$table to $table_OLD;
rename table $schema.$table_NEW to $table;

rename tablespace $tbspace to $tbspace_OLD
rename tablespace $tbspace_NEW to $tbspace
-- tablespace rename is optional. It changes the minimum recover time of the tablespace.

Post-Compression tasks:-

1. To collect compression statistics, we preferred using below functions over the SYSIBMADM views as these views, under the cover, execute the same functions on all tables in catalog before applying any WHERE clauses specified for the table name.

select * from table (sysproc.ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO_V95('${schema}','${table}')) as T1;
select * from table (sysproc.ADMIN_GET_TAB_COMPRESS_INFO('${schema}','${table}','REPORT')) as T2;

2. Based on the amount of used space versus allocated space, reduce the container sizes.
3. Take a tablespace or database level backup.
4. Monitor CPU utilization.
5. Measure query performance improvements.

We achieved row (or data) compression ratio of 35% to 55% and space savings (including data and indexes) in the range of 25% to 47% for 15 of the largest tables compressed. The savings matched very closely to the estimates. As stated earlier, compression ratio depends on the pattern of data, and as our tables mostly had integers, the compression savings may not be as impressive as it would have been with text-dominated data.

We did however see that for cross-reference tables with just few columns, LARGE tablespace stored up to 800 rows per 16K page with average row compression ratio (original average row size / compressed average row size) of 2.

Overall, all of the 15 tables that occupied 4.6 TB are now compressed to 3.1 TB resulting in 32% space savings.

We now look forward to DB2 9.7 for index compression.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Set your hardware and system clocks with the date and hwclock commands

Today we’re looking at the date and hwclock commands to set your system and hardware clocks.

Have you ever put a server into production only to realize that you had not set the hardware clock to UTC or any other time? When you’ve already put the machine into production it’s pretty difficult to go to your manager and tell him that you need to shut the machine down to set the hardware clock. Using the date and hwclock commands will allow you to set both clocks with shutting down you machine.

Computer systems, administrators and users all rely on the correct date and time to function properly or make their jobs go smoother. The system uses cron to execute programs at a certain time. As an administrator you need the correct time when checking logs and looking for problems. If the system clock is off see how long it takes your users to start calling about incorrect dates and times on their documents. In short things are not going to go smoothly if the date and time is wrong on the system.

The most likely scenario is that your system clock is off because it is relying on your hardware clock for the correct time. Here is how we correct this. First you need to set the correct time for the system with the date command. Type the date command to see the date and time format of the string:

[root@virtual-host ~]# date
Sun Nov 16 16:51:53 EST 2008
[root@virtual-host ~]#

We want to use this exact type of string to set our system clock:

date --set=Sat Nov 15 18:49:00 EST 2008

Ok now we are going to set our hardware clock to this date:

hwclock --systohc --utc

That’s it. Now your hardware clock is set and your system clock can now keep the correct time by referring to it. You can also set your system clock from your hardware clock with the following command:

hwclock --hctosys

Both of these can be particularly important if you are trying to set up the ntp daemon to an internet time source and your system clock is off by more than a 1000 seconds. The ntp daemon will not work under these conditions so you must correct them.

Hope this helps you keep your systems on time!