Dalam kasus pegawai mengundurkan diri dan yangbersangkutan telah bekerja minimum 3 (tiga) tahun berturut-turut, makapegawai tersebut berhak mendapatkan uang penghargaan masa kerja seperti yangtercantum pada Pasal 156, ayat 3, kecuali diatur lain di dalam aturanperusahaan atau KKB perusahaan yang bersangkutan.
Pasal 162 Ayat 1. Pekerja/buruh yang mengundurkan diri atas kemauan sendiri,memperoleh uang penggantian hak sesuai ketentuan Pasal 156 ayat (4).
Ayat 2. Bagi pekerja/buruh yang mengundurkan diri atas kemauan sendiri, yangtugas dan fungsinya tidak me-wakili kepentingan pengusaha secara langsung,selain menerima uang penggantian hak sesuai ketentuan Pasal 156 ayat (4)diberikan uang pisah yang besarnya dan pelaksanaannya diatur dalamperjanjian kerja, peraturan perusahaan atau perjanjian kerja bersama.
Ayat 3. Pekerja/buruh yang mengundurkan diri sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat(1) harus memenuhi syarat : mengajukan permohonan pengunduran diri secaratertulis selambat-lambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) hari sebelum tanggal mulaipengunduran diri; tidak terikat dalam ikatan dinas; dan tetap melaksanakan kewajibannya sampai tanggal mulai pengunduran diri Pasal 156 Ayat 1.
Dalam hal terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja, pengusaha diwajibkanmembayar uang pesangon dan atau uang penghargaan masa kerja dan uangpenggantian hak yang seharusnya diterima.
Ayat 2. Perhitungan uang pesangon sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) palingsedikit sebagai berikut :
a. masa kerja kurang dari 1 (satu) tahun, 1 (satu) bulan upah;
b. masa kerja 1 (satu) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 2 (dua)tahun, 2 (dua) bulan upah;
c. masa kerja 2 (dua) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 3 (tiga)tahun, 3 (tiga) bulan upah;
d. masa kerja 3 (tiga) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 4 (empat)tahun, 4 (empat) bulan upah;
e. masa kerja 4 (empat) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 5 (lima)tahun, 5 (lima) bulan upah;
f. masa kerja 5 (lima) tahun atau lebih, tetapi kurang dari 6 (enam)tahun, 6 (enam) bulan upah;
g. masa kerja 6 (enam) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 7 (tujuh)tahun, 7 (tujuh) bulan upah.
h. masa kerja 7 (tujuh) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 8 (delapan)tahun, 8 (delapan) bulan upah;
i. masa kerja 8 (delapan) tahun atau lebih, 9 (sembilan) bulan upah.
Ayat 3. Perhitungan uang penghargaan masa kerja sebagaimana dimaksud dalamayat (1) ditetapkan sebagai be-rikut :
a. masa kerja 3 (tiga) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 6 (enam)tahun, 2 (dua) bulan upah;
b. masa kerja 6 (enam) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 9 (sembilan)tahun, 3 (tiga) bulan upah;
c. masa kerja 9 (sembilan) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 12 (duabelas) tahun, 4 (empat) bulan upah;
d. masa kerja 12 (dua belas) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 15(lima belas) tahun, 5 (lima) bulan upah;
e. masa kerja 15 (lima belas) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 18(delapan belas) tahun, 6 (enam) bulan upah; f. masa kerja 18 (delapan belas) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari 21(dua puluh satu) tahun, 7 (tujuh) bulan upah;
g. masa kerja 21 (dua puluh satu) tahun atau lebih tetapi kurang dari24 (dua puluh empat) tahun, 8 (delapan) bulan upah;h. masa kerja 24 (dua puluh empat) tahun atau lebih, 10 (sepuluh )bulan upah.
Ayat 4. Uang penggantian hak yang seharusnya diterima sebagaimana dimaksuddalam ayat (1) meliputi :
a. cuti tahunan yang belum diambil dan belum gugur;
b. biaya atau ongkos pulang untuk pekerja/buruh dan keluarganyaketempat dimana pekerja/buruh diterima bekerja;
c. penggantian perumahan serta pengobatan dan perawatan ditetapkan 15%(lima belas perseratus) dari uang pesangon dan/atau uang penghargaan masakerja bagi yang memenuhi syarat;
d. hal-hal lain yang ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kerja, peraturanperusahaan atau perjanjian kerja bersama.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Manage Weight Loss
If your weight is always on your mind, it’s time that you do something about it. Manage Weight Loss is an interactive web site that will help you to control the way that you eat. Through articles, carefully thought-out concepts, and a helpful body mass index estimator, you will be able to keep your weight where you want it – without a lot of struggle and sacrifice.
Believe it or not, part of living a life free of weight obsession comes from learning how to life a positive life. For example, you cannot expect to keep your weight off if you aren’t committed to positive relationships. This is precisely why Manage Weight Loss includes helpful relationship, lifestyle, and life pattern articles. The hardest part about keeping your weight under control is learning how to take the reins. With the help of Manage Weight Loss, you’ll be able to understand how to live a better, healthier, life. Managing your weight isn’t about dieting – it’s about changing the way that you live your life. If you are ready to start living a different life, give Manage Weight Loss a try today.
One of the recommended products to look at is the new African Mango Plus. African Mango Plus helps you to burn fat more efficiently, increases your metabolism, and also helps to push your energy levels up dramatically. The African Mango Diet is showing really good results and people that have tried it are really happy with the results.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
List perusahaan pengguna SAP di Indonesia (so far)
List Perusahaan User SAP di Indonesia
Abacus Distribution Systems Indonesia, PT
AJBS Swalayan
American Standard
Amoco Mitsui, PT
Aneka Gas Industri, PT
Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari, PT
Apac Inti Corpora, PT
Arun NGL
Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT
Astra Graphia Tbk., PT
Astra Honda Motor, PT
Astra International Tbk., PT
Astra Otoparts, PT
Bagusnusa Setia Gemilang, PT
Bakrie Kasei Corporation, PT
Bakrie Telecom
Bank Mandiri
Bank Niaga
Bank Permata
Bank Permata Cab. Bintaro Jaya
Bank Central Asia Tbk., PT
Bank Danamon
Bank Rakyat Indonesia, PT
Berlian Sistem Informasi, PT
BHP Coated Steel Indonesia
Blue Bird Group
BMW Indonesia, PT
Bukaka SingTel International
Charoen Pokphand Group Indonesia
Cognis Indonesia, PT.
Combiphar, PT
Conoco Indonesia Inc.
DaimlerChrysler Indonesia, PT
Delta Djakarta, PT
Domusindo Perdana, PT
Dynamitra Tarra
Dystar Colours Indonesia, PT
Essar Dhananjaya, PT
Excelcomindo Pratama, PT
Exspan Nusantara
Federal Motor, PT
Fuchs Indonesia, PT
Garuda Indonesia, PT
Goodyear Indonesia, PT
Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, PT
Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk., PT
Indosat, PT
Intikeramik Alamasri, PT
Intraco Penta Tbk., PT
Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, PT
Kao Indonesia Chemical, PT
Kao Indonesia, PT
Krakatau Steel, PT.
Mandara Medika Utama, PT
Mayora Indah, PT
Mekar Armada Jaya, PT
Mitra Integrasi Informatika, PT
Panen Lestari Internusa, PT
Pramindo Ikat Nusantara, PT.
PLN, Persero
Rajawali Corporation, PT
Sari Roti
Serasi Auto Raya, PT
Sayap Mas, PT
Siemens Indonesia, PT.
Smart Corporation, PT.
Tempo Data System, PT
Tiara Marga Trakindo, PT
Toyota Astra Motor, PT
Trisula Textile Industries, PT
United Tractors, PT
Ultrajaya Milk Industry, PT
Wicaksana Overseas International Tbk., PT
AJBS Swalayan
American Standard
Amoco Mitsui, PT
Aneka Gas Industri, PT
Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari, PT
Apac Inti Corpora, PT
Arun NGL
Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT
Astra Graphia Tbk., PT
Astra Honda Motor, PT
Astra International Tbk., PT
Astra Otoparts, PT
Bagusnusa Setia Gemilang, PT
Bakrie Kasei Corporation, PT
Bakrie Telecom
Bank Mandiri
Bank Niaga
Bank Permata
Bank Permata Cab. Bintaro Jaya
Bank Central Asia Tbk., PT
Bank Danamon
Bank Rakyat Indonesia, PT
Berlian Sistem Informasi, PT
BHP Coated Steel Indonesia
Blue Bird Group
BMW Indonesia, PT
Bukaka SingTel International
Charoen Pokphand Group Indonesia
Cognis Indonesia, PT.
Combiphar, PT
Conoco Indonesia Inc.
DaimlerChrysler Indonesia, PT
Delta Djakarta, PT
Domusindo Perdana, PT
Dynamitra Tarra
Dystar Colours Indonesia, PT
Essar Dhananjaya, PT
Excelcomindo Pratama, PT
Exspan Nusantara
Federal Motor, PT
Fuchs Indonesia, PT
Garuda Indonesia, PT
Goodyear Indonesia, PT
Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, PT
Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk., PT
Indosat, PT
Intikeramik Alamasri, PT
Intraco Penta Tbk., PT
Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, PT
Kao Indonesia Chemical, PT
Kao Indonesia, PT
Krakatau Steel, PT.
Mandara Medika Utama, PT
Mayora Indah, PT
Mekar Armada Jaya, PT
Mitra Integrasi Informatika, PT
Panen Lestari Internusa, PT
Pramindo Ikat Nusantara, PT.
PLN, Persero
Rajawali Corporation, PT
Sari Roti
Serasi Auto Raya, PT
Sayap Mas, PT
Siemens Indonesia, PT.
Smart Corporation, PT.
Tempo Data System, PT
Tiara Marga Trakindo, PT
Toyota Astra Motor, PT
Trisula Textile Industries, PT
United Tractors, PT
Ultrajaya Milk Industry, PT
Wicaksana Overseas International Tbk., PT
Info tambahan :
PT Telkom
PT Friesland Food Indonesia
PT Dos ni roha
PT Kereta Api Indonesia
PT Freeport Indonesia
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jaddi Pastrisindo Gemilang, PT (D’Crepes)
GMF Aero Asia
South Pacific Viscose
Ajinomoto Indonesia
L’Oreal Indonesia
PT Telkom
PT Friesland Food Indonesia
PT Dos ni roha
PT Kereta Api Indonesia
PT Freeport Indonesia
PT Elnusa Tbk
Jaddi Pastrisindo Gemilang, PT (D’Crepes)
GMF Aero Asia
South Pacific Viscose
Ajinomoto Indonesia
L’Oreal Indonesia
Daftar Bank Anggota Jaringan ATM Prima
Melalui jaringan ATM Prima, kita dapat menarik/mentransfer uang antar bank yang tergabung dalam jaringan ATM Prima di atm manapun yang berlogo ATM Prima.
Berikut ini adalah daftar bank yang terdaftar sebagai jaringan ATM Prima
Berikut ini adalah daftar bank yang terdaftar sebagai jaringan ATM Prima
- Bank BII
- Bank Bukopin
- Bank Indomonex
- Bank Jabar Banten
- Bank Jasa Jakarta
- Bank Syariah Mandiri
- Bank UIB
- Bank UOB Buana
- Bank Victoria
- Bank Jateng
- Bank Kaltim
- Bank Bumi Artha
- Commonwealth Bank
- Bank Ekonomi
- Bank Eksekutif
- Bank Maspion
- Bank Mayapada
- Bank Mega
- Bank Mega Syariah
- Bank Papua
- Bank Permata
- Rabobank
- Bank Rakyat Indonesia
- Bank Royal
- Bank Sinarmas
- Bank Muamalat
- Bank Nusantara Parahyangan
- Bank Sumsel
- Bank Windu
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pengen Mobil MPV Peugeot 806 HDi
Salah satu mobil yang gw pengenin adalah Mobil MPV keluaran Peugeot. Mobil keluaran Prancis yang berkode 806 HDi ini bermesin diesel. Mesin diesel nya halus banget, gak kayak Panther (yang saat ini gw pake).
Pengen banget...palagi kemaren ada bekas mahasiswa istri gw yang dateng ke rumah pake mobil itu. Keren euyy...
Pas tadi sempet search di situs mobil.kapanlagi.com, ada beberapa mobil Peugeot 806 HDi ini yang ditawarkan di situ. Mobil yang dijual rata-rata keluaran tahun 2000 sampe 2001 dengan harga berkisar antara 100-an juta. Woww....
Mesti banyak-banyak nabung neeh
Pengen banget...palagi kemaren ada bekas mahasiswa istri gw yang dateng ke rumah pake mobil itu. Keren euyy...
Pas tadi sempet search di situs mobil.kapanlagi.com, ada beberapa mobil Peugeot 806 HDi ini yang ditawarkan di situ. Mobil yang dijual rata-rata keluaran tahun 2000 sampe 2001 dengan harga berkisar antara 100-an juta. Woww....
Mesti banyak-banyak nabung neeh
Friday, July 8, 2011
Susu Formula yang Bebas Cemaran Sakazaki
Kementrian Kesehatan RI hari ini mengumumkan hasil penelitian mengenai survei cemaran mikroba (E.sakazakii) pada semua nama dan jenis susu formula bayi yang beredar di Indonesia tahun 2011. Dari seluruh merk dan nama yang diteliti semuanya terbukti negatif tidak mengandung sakazakii.
Survei yang dilakukan sejak awal Maret 2011 ini dilakukan oleh tim nasional yang terdiri dari Badan POM, Institut Pertanian Bogor dan Kementrian Kesehatan. Berikut adalah 47 nama dan merk susu formula yang sudah diteliti dan bebas cemaran sakazakii.
1. AL 110 PT. Nestle Indonesai
2. Annum Infacare PT. Fonterra Brand Indonesia
3. Bebelac 1 PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
4. Enfamil Mead Jonhson Nutrition (Philippines)
5. Enfamil PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
6. Enfamil A+ PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
7. Enfamil A+ PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
8. Enfamil A+ HA PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
9. Enfamil A+ O-Lac PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
10. Enfamil A+ PF PT. Maed Jonhson Indonesia
11. Frisisan Flag Tahap I PT. Frisian Flag
12. Isomil Advance PT. Abbott
13. Lactogen 1 Klasik PT. Nestle Indonesia
14. Lactogen Gold 1 PT. Nestle Indonesia
15. Lactona 1 PT. Mirota KSM INC
16. Morinaga BMT PT. Kalbe Morinaga Indonesia
17. Morinaga BMT Platinum 1 PT. Morinaga Indonesia
18. Morinaga NL 33 PT. Morinaga Indonsia
19. NAN PT. NestleIndonesia
20. NAN 1 PT. Nestle Indonesia
21. NAN -1 nestle Philippines INC
22. Neocate SHS Internatioanl LTD
23. Neosure PT. Abbott
24. Nutricia Bebelac PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
25. Nutricia Nutrilon PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
26. Nutrilon PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
27. Nutrilon Hypo Allergenic PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
28. Nutrilon Less Lactose PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
29. Nutrilon Pepti Junior PBM Nutritionals
30. Nutrilon Premature NV Nutricia
31. Nutrilon Royal PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
32. Nutrilon Royal 1 PT. Nutricia Indonsia Sejahtera
33. Nutrilon Soya PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera
34. Pre NAN PT. Nestle Indonesia
35. Progestimil PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
36. Prosebee PT. Mead Jonhson Indonesia
37. S-26 PT. Wyeth Indonesia
38. S-26 Gold PT. Wyeth Indonesia
39. S-26 PDF Gold PT. Wyeth Indonesia
40. SGM 1 Presinutri PT. Sari Suhada
41. SGM BBLR PT. Sugizindo
42. SGM BBLR 0-6 bulan PT. Sari Suhada
43. SGM LLM PT. Sari Suhada
44. Similac Advace PT. Abbott
45. Susu Bimbi 1 PT. Netania Kasih Karunia, Pasuruan
46. Vitalac BL PT. Sugizindo Bogor
47. Vitalac step 1 PT. Sari Suhada
Apa Itu Google Sandbox
Website atau blog yang masuk kedalam Google Sandbox dapat terdeteksi dengan cara melihat jumlah trafik kunjungan, melihat sumber kunjungan dan mengecek kata kunci tertentu di Google.
Waktu blog saya masuk ke Google Sandbox, jumlah trafik kunjungan yang biasanya diatas 500 unique visitor drop menjadi dibawah 200. Sumber kunjungan yang biasanya didominasi oleh Google menjadi sangat sedikit atau tidak sama sekali. Biasanya Google menjadi penyumbang trafik terbesar dari mesin pencari ke blog saya. Kisarannya mencapai angka 80% atau lebih dari total kunjungan yang berasal dari mesin pencari. Saat terkena Google Sandbox, pengirim trafik terbesar adalah Yahoo dan beberapa search engine lainnya, itupun kurang dari 1/2 total kiriman Google sebelumnya.
Hal ketiga adalah posisi website/blog di SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Banyak artikel saya menghilang dari halaman pencarian Google, padahal biasanya ada di posisi atas atau minimal di halaman pertama hasil pencarian. Saat terkena Google Sandbox, link artikel ke blog saya menghilang. Kalaupun ada, entah ada di halaman berapa. Ini yang menjadi penyebab trafik kunjungan turun secara drastis.
Mengapa suatu website/blog terkena Google Sanbox, berikut adalah beberapa penyebabnya :
- Website/blog mengandung trojan/virus. Kejadian ini menimpa blog saya pada bulan Oktober 2009 dan sempat lama proses recovery-nya. Blog yang terkena trojan biasanya akan masuk ke dalam kategori : “Situs ini berbahaya buat komputer anda”. Selain menurunkan kredibilitas dan integritas, kemungkinan besar user akan batal membuka website karena disuguhi halaman hitam dengan tulisan merah bergambar serangga disertai kata-kata peringatan. Jika terkena trojan/blog, segera bersihkan tanpa menunggu lama
- Menyediakan Paid Review. Google membenci layanan review berbayar karena isi blog biasanya menjadi kurang netral. Saya sempat mencoba layanan ini beberapa waktu kemudian berhenti. Bukan karena takut kena penalti oleh Google melainkan karena nggak cukup waktu untuk membuat review sesuai jadwal
. Paid review bisa menurunkan kredibilitas website/blog dimata Google. Selain karena tidak cukup waktu, paid review juga tidak saya pasang di blog ini karena masalah Google Sandbox. Kalau masih saya biarkan, Google mungkin bukan hanya menghilangkan indeks melainkan sekaligus membanned website. Banned website adalah hukuman yang sangat berat karena website kita tidak lagi diindeks oleh Google.
- Menyediakan Paid Links. Seperti halnya Paid Review, Google juga membenci paid links karena paid link biasanya dipasang untuk mempengaruhi Google PageRank dan pemasangan link tersebut tidak lagi murni atas dasar kredibilitas melainkan karena sejumlah $$$
- Jarang diupdate. Website yang terlalu lama tidak diupdate tentu saja akan semakin turun posisinya di Google. Jika dibiarkan terus menerus, indeksnya akan menghilang atau ada di halaman kesekian dari hasil pencarian
- Duplicate Content. Banyak blogger yang menggunakan layanan blog di berbagai tempat. Karena malas menulis dan mengupdate secara rutin, kecenderungannya adalah melakukan copy-paste isi posting secara mentah-mentah ke blog yang lain. Jika dibiarkan, hal ini akan membuat blog-blog tersebut dideteksi sebagai plagiator dan terkena hukuman duplicate content.
SAP Jobs : SAP FICO Consultant
Hi there!
Our client, a biotechnology company, in Singapore is currently looking for SAP resources for contract position of at least 6 months renewable.
Kindly PM if interested: jmf_uno at yahoo dot com
SAP FI/CO Applications Consultant
Job Description
Seeking an experienced IT professional to join a team environment supporting SAP R/3 Applications. To be considered for this position you must have extensive experience in the technical and functional aspects of the Finance and Cost modules; as well as overall ERP functional design, configuration and technical development. Key requirements include project management experience, as well as excellent communication, interpersonal, technical, problem solving and analytical skills.
Must Haves:
• Must be fluent in both Mandarin and English
• Must understand the key integration points between FI/CO and SD/MM
Functional Knowledge:
• Excellent knowledge of Special Ledger usage and setup
• International Accounting and currency translation
• Finance, Cost, and related Modules
• Product Costing and Inventory Valuation
• Day to day General Ledger Accounting activities
• ABAP knowledge to run debug and help correct problems
• Data Dictionary
• General Knowledge of CO-CCA Cost Accounting module
• CO-Profitability Analysis Experience a plus
Major Responsibilities & Accountabilities
• Special Ledger and General FI Support, including currency translations
• CO-PC / CO-OBJ configuration and setup
• CO-CCA / CO-OM configuration and setup
• Develop user training
• Debug user issues
• Work with users to design functional specifications for ABAP programming to implement traditional solutions
• Fill gaps in SAP functionality by designing and implementing solutions or by finding appropriate third party "bolt-on" software
• Work directly with SAP identifying and resolving "bugs" and requesting improvements in functionality
• Identify the need for and coordinate deep technical to ABAP support
• Help develop and manage SAP R/3 implementations, upgrades and related test plans across the Enterprise
• Provide guidance to the business process owners/users including acquisition, development and delivery of SAP training and reports
• Manage data changes, corrections and transports (CTS), and security/access
• Provide clients expert trouble shooting and problem resolution
• MS Access skills are a plus
Competencies/Skills Required
• Demonstrated ability to lead business reengineering efforts
• Project management skills
• Broad knowledge of information technology and general level of experience in applying and using such tools with respect to SAP
• Systems analysis and design skills
• Effective training skills
• Experienced in SAP capabilities including
- Configuration
- Functional knowledge
- Data hierarchy/management
- Integration points
- Building interfaces
- Knowledge/application of SAP tools
- Troubleshooting/problem solving
- Quality assurance
- Documentation
Knowledge of other SAP modules is considered a plus (PM, PS, PA, SD, MM, etc.)
Other Considerations
• Minimum of 7 years experience in an SAP R/3 Technical Environment
• A four year college degree is required; Advanced degree desirable
Our client, a biotechnology company, in Singapore is currently looking for SAP resources for contract position of at least 6 months renewable.
Kindly PM if interested: jmf_uno at yahoo dot com
SAP FI/CO Applications Consultant
Job Description
Seeking an experienced IT professional to join a team environment supporting SAP R/3 Applications. To be considered for this position you must have extensive experience in the technical and functional aspects of the Finance and Cost modules; as well as overall ERP functional design, configuration and technical development. Key requirements include project management experience, as well as excellent communication, interpersonal, technical, problem solving and analytical skills.
Must Haves:
• Must be fluent in both Mandarin and English
• Must understand the key integration points between FI/CO and SD/MM
Functional Knowledge:
• Excellent knowledge of Special Ledger usage and setup
• International Accounting and currency translation
• Finance, Cost, and related Modules
• Product Costing and Inventory Valuation
• Day to day General Ledger Accounting activities
• ABAP knowledge to run debug and help correct problems
• Data Dictionary
• General Knowledge of CO-CCA Cost Accounting module
• CO-Profitability Analysis Experience a plus
Major Responsibilities & Accountabilities
• Special Ledger and General FI Support, including currency translations
• CO-PC / CO-OBJ configuration and setup
• CO-CCA / CO-OM configuration and setup
• Develop user training
• Debug user issues
• Work with users to design functional specifications for ABAP programming to implement traditional solutions
• Fill gaps in SAP functionality by designing and implementing solutions or by finding appropriate third party "bolt-on" software
• Work directly with SAP identifying and resolving "bugs" and requesting improvements in functionality
• Identify the need for and coordinate deep technical to ABAP support
• Help develop and manage SAP R/3 implementations, upgrades and related test plans across the Enterprise
• Provide guidance to the business process owners/users including acquisition, development and delivery of SAP training and reports
• Manage data changes, corrections and transports (CTS), and security/access
• Provide clients expert trouble shooting and problem resolution
• MS Access skills are a plus
Competencies/Skills Required
• Demonstrated ability to lead business reengineering efforts
• Project management skills
• Broad knowledge of information technology and general level of experience in applying and using such tools with respect to SAP
• Systems analysis and design skills
• Effective training skills
• Experienced in SAP capabilities including
- Configuration
- Functional knowledge
- Data hierarchy/management
- Integration points
- Building interfaces
- Knowledge/application of SAP tools
- Troubleshooting/problem solving
- Quality assurance
- Documentation
Knowledge of other SAP modules is considered a plus (PM, PS, PA, SD, MM, etc.)
Other Considerations
• Minimum of 7 years experience in an SAP R/3 Technical Environment
• A four year college degree is required; Advanced degree desirable
SAP Jobs : SAP FICO, PP, MM, SD Consultant
Dear All,
I am looking for SAP FICO, PP, MM and SD Consultants for our client in Jakarta.
Our client is a Consulting Company, and currently lookinf for FICO, PP, MM and SD Consultants. This is permanent positions, and Consultants will be based in Jakarta and Medan.
Consultants must have 3-5 years experience in related modules.
If you're interested, please send your CV in words format to diana@mysapexpert.com
SAP Jobs : Senior SAP CO Consultant
Dear Group,
Salah satu Klien kami dari FMCG Company di Jakarta sedang mencari Sr. CO Consultant untuk posisipermanent .
~ Min have 4-5 years exp.
~ or have min. 3 full Cycle.
~ Indonesian only.
Send me your CV in WORD format to caroline@mySAPexpert.com.
SAP Jobs : SAP PP Consultant
Dear All,
Our Client loooking for a SAP PP Consultant for new implementation project.
Start Date : July 11, 2011
Duration : 6 months
Location : Jakarta
Rate : USD 150 - 170 / day
If you are interested and available for this role, please contact Yoyi Tanjung on +62 21 575 0975 or email him on ytanjung@atreusg.com for details
Our Client loooking for a SAP PP Consultant for new implementation project.
Start Date : July 11, 2011
Duration : 6 months
Location : Jakarta
Rate : USD 150 - 170 / day
If you are interested and available for this role, please contact Yoyi Tanjung on +62 21 575 0975 or email him on ytanjung@atreusg.com for details
SAP Jobs : Senior SAP MM/WM Consultant
Dear All,
Our Client loooking for a Senior SAP MM/WM Consultant for a brand new implementation.
You will have at 8+ years experience in SAP MM/WM and have excellent track record of SAP consulting experience.
You will be responsible to lead the MM/WM part of the implementation on this project and will involve exceptional knowledge in the module.
You will have Strong communication skills (English, logical thinking...), Leadership: could drive workshop, lead discussion, design template, design complicated solutions, Technical skills: both MM & WM, with experience of integrating with 3rd party applications such as Weigh bridge, MES, external warehouse etc.
The first 6 weeks of the project will be located in Indonesia (not Jakarta) and thereafter you will be deployed on the project on the outskirts of Beijing (2 hours drive from Beijing).
You will receive flights every 4 weeks to return to Indonesia for a few days before heading back onsite in China.
The role is till 30 April 2012 and there maybe an extension depending on the project schedule/timeframes.
Any Mandarin speaking skills will be a huge bonus but not required.
You will be an Indonesian national. You must be available to start onsite on 11 July 2011 (but client is willing to wait for the right candidate).
Location : First 6 week in Jambi and then 10 months in China
Start Date : 11 July 2011
Duration : 11-12 months
Rate : USD 250 / day gross +expenses(accom, flights every
4 week, meals, laundry, local transport, visa)
If you are interested and available for this role, please contact Yoyi Tanjung on +62 21 575 0975 or email him on ytanjung@atreusg.com for details
Our Client loooking for a Senior SAP MM/WM Consultant for a brand new implementation.
You will have at 8+ years experience in SAP MM/WM and have excellent track record of SAP consulting experience.
You will be responsible to lead the MM/WM part of the implementation on this project and will involve exceptional knowledge in the module.
You will have Strong communication skills (English, logical thinking...), Leadership: could drive workshop, lead discussion, design template, design complicated solutions, Technical skills: both MM & WM, with experience of integrating with 3rd party applications such as Weigh bridge, MES, external warehouse etc.
The first 6 weeks of the project will be located in Indonesia (not Jakarta) and thereafter you will be deployed on the project on the outskirts of Beijing (2 hours drive from Beijing).
You will receive flights every 4 weeks to return to Indonesia for a few days before heading back onsite in China.
The role is till 30 April 2012 and there maybe an extension depending on the project schedule/timeframes.
Any Mandarin speaking skills will be a huge bonus but not required.
You will be an Indonesian national. You must be available to start onsite on 11 July 2011 (but client is willing to wait for the right candidate).
Location : First 6 week in Jambi and then 10 months in China
Start Date : 11 July 2011
Duration : 11-12 months
Rate : USD 250 / day gross +expenses(accom, flights every
4 week, meals, laundry, local transport, visa)
If you are interested and available for this role, please contact Yoyi Tanjung on +62 21 575 0975 or email him on ytanjung@atreusg.com for details
Does coffee prevent breast cancer?
Had coffee this morning? And if awanita and like coffee, there's good news for you. In addition to literacy and make a fresh eye, coffee also has a number of other great benefits, especially for breast cancer cells suppress!
Black-colored drink is bitter-bitter indeed can prevent good sleep. Behind the refreshing taste of coffee turns out to have important content that can help lower the risk of cancer.
The researchers say that those who regularly enjoy a drink in solid black is much less likely to develop estrogen receptor negative breast cancer, especially if they drank five or more cups of coffee a day.
In the study, researchers from the Karolinska Institute found, a woman who likes to drink coffee have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who rarely drank caffeinated beverages are high.
The researchers analyzed data from nearly 6,000 women, by giving 5 cups of coffee even more in a day. The discovery proved to those who drink coffee regularly have a reduced rate of breast cancer risk than those with less or none at all.
This study has been published in the journal Breast Cancer Research. The research found that high levels of coffee intake per day is closely related to the decreased risk of breast cancer or estrogen-receptor negative women.
Another thing is expressed by Professor Per Hall, who was involved in this study.'These findings made us surprised, but it's real. Women who drink coffee much less risk of breast cancer, 'he said.
But according to him, this research must continue. Because, he has not found a good nutrition what tekandung in coffee so they can give great effects that can erode ternjadinya breast cancer.
"We really do not know, what nutrients can lead to reduced risk of breast cancer. There are so many compounds in coffee, maybe one of them has a powerful effect that can prevent breast cancer malignant," he added.
Black-colored drink is bitter-bitter indeed can prevent good sleep. Behind the refreshing taste of coffee turns out to have important content that can help lower the risk of cancer.
The researchers say that those who regularly enjoy a drink in solid black is much less likely to develop estrogen receptor negative breast cancer, especially if they drank five or more cups of coffee a day.
In the study, researchers from the Karolinska Institute found, a woman who likes to drink coffee have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who rarely drank caffeinated beverages are high.
The researchers analyzed data from nearly 6,000 women, by giving 5 cups of coffee even more in a day. The discovery proved to those who drink coffee regularly have a reduced rate of breast cancer risk than those with less or none at all.
This study has been published in the journal Breast Cancer Research. The research found that high levels of coffee intake per day is closely related to the decreased risk of breast cancer or estrogen-receptor negative women.
Another thing is expressed by Professor Per Hall, who was involved in this study.'These findings made us surprised, but it's real. Women who drink coffee much less risk of breast cancer, 'he said.
But according to him, this research must continue. Because, he has not found a good nutrition what tekandung in coffee so they can give great effects that can erode ternjadinya breast cancer.
"We really do not know, what nutrients can lead to reduced risk of breast cancer. There are so many compounds in coffee, maybe one of them has a powerful effect that can prevent breast cancer malignant," he added.
Rencana Ganti V-Belt Panther
Kemaren pas beli spion Panther, gw sempet nanya juga harga V-Belt. V-Belt untuk Panther gw (kotak th 93) digunakan di bagian mesin. Ada yang terhubung ke kompresor ND (untuk AC), ada yang ke waterpump (untuk perputaran pendingin dari radiator, dan ada yang terhubung ke pompa Power Steering.
Satu set V-Belt terdiri atas 3 buah belt. Ada 2 yang besar dan 1 yang kecil. Sempet nanya juga harganya untuk 1 set adalah 113 ribu. Mahal nggak yah ?
Untuk memasangnya juga butuh effort lumayan karena mesti copot radiator. Kayaknya sekalian kuras dan bersihin radiator.
Satu set V-Belt terdiri atas 3 buah belt. Ada 2 yang besar dan 1 yang kecil. Sempet nanya juga harganya untuk 1 set adalah 113 ribu. Mahal nggak yah ?
Untuk memasangnya juga butuh effort lumayan karena mesti copot radiator. Kayaknya sekalian kuras dan bersihin radiator.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Problem AC split rumah
Seperti postingan gw disini, AC split rumah sedang mengalami masalah. AC merek Changhong 1/2 PK yang gw beli 2 tahun yang lalu tiba-tiba gak bisa dingin dan bagian kipas outdoor nya tidak memutar. Hanya keluar angin aja di bagian indoor nya.
Barusan dapet info dari temen agar dicek aja bagian kapasitornya. Biasanya ada yang rusak/terbakar. Pas gw cari-cari di google ketemu info begini :
Dari penjelasan itu, terdapat 2 jenis kapasitor, yaitu running capacitor dan fan capacitor. Gak tau juga kapasitor yang mana yang mengalami masalah. Rencananya besok sabtu, gw mau bongkar sendiri untuk ngecek. Mau pinjem multitester/AVO meter kantor untuk ngecek kapasitor mana yang rusak.
Kata temen gw sih, tinggal beli aja di toko onderdil kapasitor.
Barusan dapet info dari temen agar dicek aja bagian kapasitornya. Biasanya ada yang rusak/terbakar. Pas gw cari-cari di google ketemu info begini :
komponen pada outdoor unit adalah:
1. running capasitor
2. fan capasitor
3. fan motor
4. overload compressor
5. komponen pcb (untuk ac split type multi)
2. fan capasitor
3. fan motor
4. overload compressor
5. komponen pcb (untuk ac split type multi)
Running capasitor berfungsi menyimpan muatan listrik untuk menbantu gerak motor pertama atau start compressor.
kerusakan running capasitor dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan multitester yaitu dengan cara:
posisikan knop multitester pada skala ohm/tahanan X 1000 lalu tempelkan kedua probe multitester kepada dua kaki terminal running capasitor kemudian lihat pada waktu anda menempelkan kabel probe – dan +, apa jarum penunjuk pada multitester bergerak kekanan lalu kembali lagi kekiri dengan cepat?
bila “ya” berarti running capasitor dalam kondisi baik, bila jarum multitester tidak kembali lagi kekiri dengan cepat berarti running capasitor rusak.
kerusakan running capasitor dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan multitester yaitu dengan cara:
posisikan knop multitester pada skala ohm/tahanan X 1000 lalu tempelkan kedua probe multitester kepada dua kaki terminal running capasitor kemudian lihat pada waktu anda menempelkan kabel probe – dan +, apa jarum penunjuk pada multitester bergerak kekanan lalu kembali lagi kekiri dengan cepat?
bila “ya” berarti running capasitor dalam kondisi baik, bila jarum multitester tidak kembali lagi kekiri dengan cepat berarti running capasitor rusak.
Fan capasitor berfungsi untuk membantu start pertama pada fan motor outdoor unit, cara mengetahui kerusakan fan capasitor sama dengan cara mengetahui kerusakan pada running capasitor.
Fan motor pada outdoor unit berfungsi untuk membuang panas yg berada pada condenser, kerusakan pada fan motor outdoor dapat anda lihat pada artikel fan motor outdoor unit.
Overload compressor berada dekat dengan terminal compressor, berfungsi untuk memutuskan aliran listrik bila arus listrik yg masuk pada compressor melebihi ambang batas.
didalam overload terdapat 2 bimetal yg bila dilalui arus listrik yg tinggi dapat memuai, sehingga arus listrik dapat dicegah untuk masuk ke compressor.
dengan adanya overload tidak menjamin compressor tidak dapat terbakar gulungan dinamonya.
cara mengetahui overload yg rusak yaitu dengan cara mengukur kedua terminal yg berada pada overload dengan multitester pada skala ohm.
bila jarum multitester bergerak disaat kedua kabel probe ditempelkan pada kedua kaki overload, berarti overload dalam kondisi baik.
cek juga pada bagian bawah overload apakah berkarat atau tidak? bila berkarat atau sudah rapuh, ganti overload dengan yg baru.
didalam overload terdapat 2 bimetal yg bila dilalui arus listrik yg tinggi dapat memuai, sehingga arus listrik dapat dicegah untuk masuk ke compressor.
dengan adanya overload tidak menjamin compressor tidak dapat terbakar gulungan dinamonya.
cara mengetahui overload yg rusak yaitu dengan cara mengukur kedua terminal yg berada pada overload dengan multitester pada skala ohm.
bila jarum multitester bergerak disaat kedua kabel probe ditempelkan pada kedua kaki overload, berarti overload dalam kondisi baik.
cek juga pada bagian bawah overload apakah berkarat atau tidak? bila berkarat atau sudah rapuh, ganti overload dengan yg baru.
Komponen pcb pada outdoor unit hanya ada pada ac split type multi yaitu 1 outdoor unit dengan 2 indoor unit.
untuk mengetahui kerusakan pada komponen pcb, anda harus mempunyai dasar ketrampilan dibidang elektronika.
belilah buku yg mengajarkan keterampilan elektronika untuk dijadikan dasar keberanian anda untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yg terjadi pada bagian komponen pcb ac split.
tanpa adanya dasar pengetahuan tentang elektronika, jangan coba-coba memperbaikinya berdasarkan insting anda, dengan begitu kerusakan yg terjadi pada komponen pcb anda, dapat anda perbaiki dengan waktu yg tidak lama.
untuk mengetahui kerusakan pada komponen pcb, anda harus mempunyai dasar ketrampilan dibidang elektronika.
belilah buku yg mengajarkan keterampilan elektronika untuk dijadikan dasar keberanian anda untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yg terjadi pada bagian komponen pcb ac split.
tanpa adanya dasar pengetahuan tentang elektronika, jangan coba-coba memperbaikinya berdasarkan insting anda, dengan begitu kerusakan yg terjadi pada komponen pcb anda, dapat anda perbaiki dengan waktu yg tidak lama.
Dari penjelasan itu, terdapat 2 jenis kapasitor, yaitu running capacitor dan fan capacitor. Gak tau juga kapasitor yang mana yang mengalami masalah. Rencananya besok sabtu, gw mau bongkar sendiri untuk ngecek. Mau pinjem multitester/AVO meter kantor untuk ngecek kapasitor mana yang rusak.
Kata temen gw sih, tinggal beli aja di toko onderdil kapasitor.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Beli Spion Panther
Seperti postingan gw sebelumnya, kemaren gw beli spion kiri panther gw ke Pusat Onderdil Kedungdoro. Gw beli yang KW merek EMGI seharga 25 ribu. Kalo yang original-nya Isuzu harganya 65 ribu.
Gw putuskan untuk beli yang KW aja, pertimbangannya adalah ini hanya spion. Gak terlalu vital-vital amat. Jadi KW juga cukup dah.
Tadi pagi gw sempet-sempetin copot dudukan spion lama yang patah dan pasang spion barunya karena kalo sore nggak keburu....he..he..
Sekarang mobil panther gw udah lengkap lagi spionnya
Gw putuskan untuk beli yang KW aja, pertimbangannya adalah ini hanya spion. Gak terlalu vital-vital amat. Jadi KW juga cukup dah.
Tadi pagi gw sempet-sempetin copot dudukan spion lama yang patah dan pasang spion barunya karena kalo sore nggak keburu....he..he..
Sekarang mobil panther gw udah lengkap lagi spionnya
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tips aman bermain Google adsense
Google adsense memberikan peluang penghasilan yang luar biasa dalam jangka panjang jika dilakukan secara serius dan benar. Memang awalnya sangat susah mengikuti bisnis google adsense ini, karena disamping syaratnya yang lumayan susah, proses untuk mendapatkan penghasilan juga susahnya luar biasa. Nah, bagi anda yang sekarang sudah mempunyai akun google adsense dan belum bisa mencapai titik pembayaran, jangan melakukan hal-hal yang dilarang oleh google, karena resikonya sangat besar, yaitu kena band.
Biasanya banyak publisher google adsense yang karena tidak sabaran untuk mendapatkan penghasilan melakukan berbagai macam cara, dan kebanyakan cara tersebut adalah cara ilegal yang sangat dilarang oleh google. Nah, untuk amannya mending kita bermain jujur saja, walaupun penghasilan kita belum banyak yang penting ada, daripada mengejar target penghasila, tetapi akhirnya kena band, khan sayang.
Berikut beberapa cara aman untuk para publisher dalam bermain google adsense (dan sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah tergantung dari kebijaksanaan google itu sendiri):
- Hal yang paling utama dan dilarang adalah meng-klik iklan sendiri dan dilakukan berulang-ulang. jangankan adsense, PPC lokalpun sangat mengharamkan cara ini. Kalo cuma klik 1 atau 2 kali sebagai langkah uji coba gak masalah, tetapi kalo terlalu sering sangat berpotensi akun adsense anda kena band.
- Pasang jumlah iklan google sesuai dengan kebijaksaan yang google berikan, semisal untuk adsense unit maksimal 3 buah, begitu juga untuk yang lain. Kalo melanggar juga sangat berpotensi untuk di band.
- Jangan menggunakan jasa trafik exchange (program pertukaran trafik) yang banyak ditawarkan diinternet. Lambat laun cara seperti mendatangkan trafik dari pertukaran kunjungan akan diketahui google dan berpotensi akun adsense kena band.
- Jangan menyembunyikan iklan atau menyamarkan iklan seperti kontent web/blog dengan tujuan agar pengunjung kena tipu untuk mengklik iklan tersebut.
- Jangan memberikan arahan untuk mengklik iklan adsense, seperti “Klik iklan disini”, “Untuk donasi klik iklan saya”, “Sebagai imbalan tolong klik iklan saya” atau perintah-perintah lain yang intinya menginginkan pengunjung untuk meng-klik iklan adsense anda.
- Bekerja saja untuk saling tukar klik iklan (program pertukaran klik iklan)
- Jangan menyuruh teman atau tetangga mengklik iklan adsense anda.
- Jangan menaruh iklan adsense disitus porno, warez, crack dan situs-situs hacking.
Demikian beberapa cara aman yang bisa saya simpulkan selama ini dalam bermain google adsense. Dari beberapa langkah diatas, tentunya masih sangat banyak hal-hal yang menyebabkan google adsense kena band yang belum saya ketahui. Jadi jika para sobatPC berkenan bisa ditambahkan di komen yang nantinya akan saya tambahkan dalam updata posting berikutnya.
Yang jelas, jika anda menginginkan bisnis google adsense untuk jangka panjang, mending bermain jujur saja. Banyak publisher yang kena band menjelang ceknya dikirim, jadi penghasilanya sudah mencapai $90, karena sebelum google membayar para publishernya terlebih dahulu melakukan pengecekan cara kerja yang dilakukan para publisher, apakah bermain curang atau jujur.
Should You Rethink the Complex Carbs in Your Diet?
Take all the "white stuff" out of your diet. You've read it in popular magazines, heard it from your friends and even from the lips of Oprah, the long reigning queen of day time television. Taking away all things white from your diet -- bread, pasta, bakery items and sugar can be an excellent way of reducing empty calories from what you eat as well as losing weight.
There is little doubt that refined sugar and flour, for the most part, have been stripped of nutrients and fiber and are little more than a significant amount of complex carbohydrate starch. These complex starches are not only high in calories but can be quite troublesome for our bodies to metabolize. However, I believe that the white stuff is by no means the only grain-based, complex carbohydrates that can be eliminated to enhance weight loss, as well as help Americans reduce the risk of developing any number of potentially life-threatening health conditions.
A serious health condition, metabolic syndrome, occurs in approximately 20 to 30 percent of all industrialized populations. It is a growing medical condition that can be directly linked to diets high in complex carbohydrates and lifestyle behaviors. The symptoms of metabolic syndrome relate to elevated insulin levels and include high blood pressure, obesity, increase risk for Type 2 diabetes, increased risk of dementia, fatty liver and potential kidney damage.
In addition, many complex carbohydrates of grain derivatives have been linked to allergies, skin conditions, ear infections especially in children, fatigue, sleep problems and depression.
Given the risk for metabolic syndrome, it seems as though taking out the white stuff should be a positive preventive way to avoid metabolic syndrome and its accompanying symptoms. But there's more to addressing the issues of grain-based complex carbohydrate consumption than just removing the "white stuff".
As humans we do not possess the enzymes required to digest cellulose, the protective fiber found on the outside of all grains, which is why we have to mill flour -- to break down the cellulose that we cannot digest or gain nutritional benefit from. Cellulose-protected plant foods are edible only by rudiments -- double bellied animals which possess the enzyme system and digestive engineering to utilize grain foods as their dietary staple.
Thousands of years ago, when the continents divided and humans went from migrating, nomadic hunter-gatherers to stationary agriculture based tribes, we needed to identify a dependable food supply and grains became just that. We quickly learned however, that we needed to do something to the grain to be able to ingest it. Trying to chew on wheat or even rice without altering its structure in some way was impossible and resulted not only in sore tongues and lips, but upset digestive systems.
Milling of the cellulose-rich wheat, rye and corn grains produced flour which could easily be chewed and ingested, unlike the raw grains. Thus began our use of grains, which are sweet, versatile to cook and a dependable food source. Evolutionary problem solved. Or was it? Let's look at the positive side of making the switch. Simply switching from white to whole wheat bread can lower heart disease risk by 35 percent according to a 1994 Harvard Nurses study, which looked at 75,000 nurses who ate whole grains in place of white flour.
The two big differences between white bread and whole wheat bread are the processing and the amount of fiber the flour retains after processing. While there are three parts to a wheat berry which both are made from, white flour processing only uses the "endosperm," the starchy part of the berry. Whole wheat flour uses the bran outer layer which is the cellulose we cannot digest and the germ part as well. We've all heard of wheat germ, which contains the plants nutrient stores.
White bread has almost zero nutrient value unless it is enriched, while whole wheat flour is much higher in fiber and contains vitamins B6 and E, magnesium, zinc, folic acid and chromium. The bad news here is that generally the baking or cooking process destroys much of the vitamin content. However, some minerals -- and certainly the fiber -- can remain even after baking.
And the fiber is what matters most. Harvard studies on fiber show that this indigestible portion of grains, can lead to fewer heart attacks, decreased diverticular disease, Type 2 diabetes and constipation. It also provides fullness and hunger satiation, and aids bowel integrity. So then, why any concern about whole grains?
Whole grains still require the human body to secrete insulin in order to utilize the complex carbohydrate in whole grain products. And insulin is the main culprit in metabolic syndrome. If an individual replaces the same amount of white flour products with whole grain products he will enjoy increased nutrient benefits. However, if he has already developed a high insulin secretion due to the white flour products he has consumed, switching to whole grain products will not necessarily produce the results he hopes for.
In my more than 30 years of practicing nutrition, I have seen individuals -- with a wide span of conditions -- improve dramatically when all flour-based products were eliminated from their diets. I believe that some of us are not genetically or enzymatically built to ingest and handle the metabolism of grain foods.
While grains may not appear to cause health issues for some individuals, many of us gain weight and develop skin problems, sugar regulation issues, bowel problems, acne and other chronic concerns that I believe can be greatly improved or eliminated by removing all flour products from the diet. The reason is twofold: first, the gluten contained in grains and second, the insulin secretion required for metabolizing the carbohydrate starch.
When the Islets of Langerhans beta cells of our pancreas have enlarged over time to produce higher levels of insulin -- in order to accommodate the amount of complex carbohydrates we are eating -- they will continue to do so if complex carbohydrates continue to be ingested. This occurs even when a more nutrient rich alternative such as whole grains is consumed.
In my experience, many patients who remove or dramatically reduce flour and sugar products from their diet show improvements in health.
There is, however, a satisfying and delicious alternative to completely cutting out flour products that many are using with great success.
Source :
Searching Kaca Spion Panther
Kaca spion mobil Panther gw patah. Sebenarnya udah dari dulu (sejak beli, beli seken) kaca spion itu udah mau patah. Sekitar 2 minggu kemaren akhirnya patah beneran. rencana, hari ini mau cari di Pusat Onderdil Mobil Kedungdoro, Surabaya.
Nanti mau ijin keluar kantor sebentar untuk nanya-nanya harga. Kemaren sempet nanya ke milis Panther Mania (yang di Kaskus), harganya yang KW merek EMGI (biasa disebut MG), harganya sekitar 25-30 ribu rupiah. Kalo yang ori gak tau deh harganya berapa.
Well, Selamat berburu !!
Nanti mau ijin keluar kantor sebentar untuk nanya-nanya harga. Kemaren sempet nanya ke milis Panther Mania (yang di Kaskus), harganya yang KW merek EMGI (biasa disebut MG), harganya sekitar 25-30 ribu rupiah. Kalo yang ori gak tau deh harganya berapa.
Well, Selamat berburu !!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Lowongan Kerja : Technical Support
Kami distributor Product IT ( Komputer ) terkemuka di Indonesia, membutuhkan segera tenaga profesional yang tangguh untuk menempati posisi :
Kualifikasi :
- Pria/Wanita
- Usia 20 - 30 Th
- Lulusan D3/S1 Jurusan Elektro
- Fresh Graduated / Pernah magang kerja
- Dapat mandiri dan bekerja sama dalam team serta mampu berkomunikasi dg baik
- Jujur, disiplin, inisiatif, bertanggung jawab dan memiliki motivasi untuk berkembang
- Good performance & good attitude
- Penempatan di Surabaya
Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirimkan ke :
Ruko RMI Blk K-27 Jl Ngagel Jaya Selatan – Surabaya
Email : hrd_ast.surya@yahoo.com
Ruko RMI Blk K-27 Jl Ngagel Jaya Selatan – Surabaya
Email : hrd_ast.surya@yahoo.com
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